Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sensei's daily encouragement

There are various kinds of careers and roles that people fill in society. While each role of course has significance, the fundamental role that we each play as a Buddhist is that of philosopher of life and of humanity who can impart eternal value to humankind. We are leaders of happiness and creators of peace. In this sense, our role is unique.

in this encouragement , sensei is trying to say that there are many types of jobs and careers in society , and every type of job , no matter how poorly we are paid , or how boring or useless it is , the jobs that we do are still important as it affects the organisation that we are working for as a whole. However , beneath the significance of our work , our true role and main significant contribution to society is that we are Buddhist that spreads the philopsophy of life for humanity who truely create value within our society as well as happiness to our immediate surroundings and peace. that way , our roles in society is truely unique indeed!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, certainly nice article. Where can I get that subscription?

Kate Stone
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