Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Do you believe in the
possibility of lasting happiness?

Or does this seem like something forever out of
reach, a dream on the distant horizon? Would you
react skeptically if told that you were born—just as
you are—with everything it takes to cultivate an
indestructible state of happiness?

According to Aristotle, “Happiness depends
upon ourselves.” But just what is happiness? Is
it the fulfillment of our every wish and desire? Is it
the absence of all suffering?

We believe that happiness is being able to
experience profound joy that comes from
never being defeated by any problems in life.
In fact, we use the challenges of our lives as a catalyst
to deepen and expand our inner lives. Despite a
culture of instant gratification that influences so much
of modern living, happiness is not a quick fix attained
overnight. Rather, it results from our efforts to
manifest life’s highest potentials—wisdom, compassion,
courage and vitality—on a daily basis. Nichiren
Buddhism provides a concrete means to tap
into these traits that every human being holds
in unlimited supply.

Even amidst the most difficult times, happiness is
definitely not out of reach.We can indeed move in
the direction of our dreams and face our problems
wisely and courageously.We can come to savor the
greatest of all joys: the ability to live life with a deeper
and stronger sense of confidence, appreciation and
hope. We have the power to take charge of our
own destiny and become a source of positive change
in our family, local community and the entire world.

The notion that every human being is
born with the ability to become
happy is not new.This is what the
Buddha taught more than 2,500
years ago.The word “Buddha”
means “one who is fully awake”. It
means to ‘awaken’ to the workings
of the universal law within our own
lives.The Lotus Sutra, the foremost
of the Buddha’s teachings, asserts the
inherent dignity and equality of all people
and indeed of all life. It points to an enduring
sense of happiness and compassion that is, in fact,
our birthright. However, it wasn’t until Nichiren
Daishonin, a 13th century Japanese Buddhist reformer,
turned this philosophy into a concrete daily practice
that the message of the Lotus Sutra became accessible
to all people. In doing so, he established a practice
that is both simple and very profound.

Nichiren revealed that Nam-myohorenge-
kyo is the law that permeates
all life and the universe.This phrase
literally translates as: devotion to the
Mystic Law of cause and effect
through the Buddha’s teaching, or
sound. Nichiren describes this phrase
by saying,“Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is not
only the core of the Buddha’s lifetime
teachings, but also the heart, essence, and
ultimate principle of the Lotus Sutra (The
Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 860). By chanting
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with confidence in our innate
Buddhahood—or highest human potential—we can
dispel self-doubt, challenge our problems
courageously and reveal our innate wisdom
and compassion.Through chanting,
studying Buddhist philosophy and
taking action daily for the well being
of others, we can establish a state
of profound happiness and make
each moment of our lives joyful and
meaningful while contributing to peace
in our families and community.

Extract from article: What is Happiness? SGI-USA

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Words from our mentor

From Ikeda Sensei:

"Even places that have been shrouded in darkness for billions of years can be illuminated. Even a stone from the bottom of a river can be used to produce fire. Our present sufferings, no matter how dark, have certainly not continued for billions of years-nor will they linger forever. The sun will definitely rise. In fact, its ascent has already begun."

"Why doesn't constant trampling defeat the dandelion? The key to its strength is its long and sturdy root, which extends deep into the earth. The same principle applies to people. The true victors in life are those whose who, enduring repeated challenges and setbacks, have sent the roots of their being to such a depth that nothing can shake them."

"No one can better bask in summer's balm than those who have endured winter's bite. Similarly, it is those who have suffered through life's darkest hours who are able to truly savor the bright dawn of happiness. The person who has transformed the worst of fate into the best of fortune is life's champion."

"There is a saying that the earth upon which we fall is the same ground which enables us to push ourselves up again. There's another which maintains that barley grows better after it has been trampled on. Human relationships are sometimes painful, but there is no such pain from which we cannot recover. It is up to us to decide to live a life free from self-doubt and despair in spite of our failures. Indeed, it is during our most humbling moments that we should show greatest poise and grace. Then the dignity of our lives will truly shine."