Sunday, December 23, 2007


Hello npsdians. So sorry as i have not update for the past few weeks. The reason being my internet connection is down. Anyway it has been solved but i like to address something in today's post

The year 2007 is coming to an end and the start of 2008 is nearing. I hope all of you will set down your new year resolutions and if able, share it at the kenshu.

It is extremely important for us to have resolutions or goals because just like when we want to shoot things, we need to have a target. The same theory applies to this. A goal, if it was never to be reach, is perfectly fine to me as i believed one will always move at a much quicker pace than your old self without a goal.

As Ghandi says, "Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory." What matters most is whether we have given our all till we have no regrets. We ourselves know whether have we try our very best or not. If 2007 was not a very good year for you, then make 2008 the best one for you. Joy and happiness in life does not lies behind you, but in front of you.

Hereby, i like to recall what i have resolute in 2007 where i share this poem of ikeda sensei as part of my determination in front of all the student, attending the year end kenshu for last year.

" Today i rededicate my life to kosen-rufu.
To be strong, so that nothing can upset the peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and hope to every person i meet.
To make my friend feel that there is something good and beautiful about them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and to be optimistic about them.
To think only the best, work towards doing and expecting only the best.
To be just as happy about the success of others as i am about myself.
To forget any mistake in the past and press forward to greater achievement in the future.
To give so much time in improving myself, so that i have no time to criticize others.
To be too strong for fear, too kind for anger and too happy for worry.
To lift my heart in faith each day,
So that the Gohonzon may show forth in my life
Daisaku ikeda

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sensei guidance

"Life is an everlasting struggle with ourselves.It is a tug of war between moving forward and regressing, between happiness and unhappiness. Outstanding indiviuals didn't become great overnight. They disciplined themselves to overcome their weaknesses, to conquer their lack of caring and motivation until they became true victors in life. One reason Buddhists chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo each day is to develop strong will and discipline and, along with those, the ability to tackle any problem seriously and with the determination to overcome it."
Ikeda sensei