Saturday, August 1, 2009

NPSD Reach Out: Phase 1/2

Thanks for everyone's participation so far!!

Hope you've received the email on August 1 2009. We are halfway through PHASE ONE of the reach out now, which is the thinking and organisation process. Our survey conclusions are:

Objectives: Unite and bond NPSD together. Raise awareness, how as youths we can contribute to society and actually, TAKE ACTION for it.
Campaign style: a movement or an exhibit.
Theme: "Humanitarian Competition".


What is Humanitarian Competition?

This is proposed by SGI founder, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi 100 years ago. He was an educator who believes that competition need not be a "winner-takes-all" style, but a "win-win" situation for all competitors.

"What is important is to set aside egotistical motives, striving to protect and improve not only one's own life, but also the lives of others. One should do things for the sake of others, because by benefiting others, we benefit ourselves."
- Tsunesaburo Makiguchi.

In the 2009 UN Peace Proposal, Sensei talks about how as individuals, companies or even the countries' government can compete healthily for some common goals stated below:

- The current Global Economic Crisis
- Poverty in the world (Proposed: create a World Food Bank)
- The abolition of nuclear weapons
- Global Warming (Proposed: Renewable Energy)

YOU may download the peace proposal from:


Here are some campaign ideas proposed by those who managed to attend the last meeting. We sincerely hope to hear more input from everyone too. You may insert new suggestions or comment on some of the ideas mentioned below.

WeiLun: Photo Competition & Exhibition
Jiawei: Petition for an issue
Jerry: Host foreign students in campus
Henry: Collection notes from NPstudents abt deeds they do to impact others' lives and their own
Jeff: Collection of used books for those who need
Criss: Skate-a-ton for a cause (To be shared further)
YingLin: Cultural Understanding through a racial FOOD FESTIVAL.
Zijing: Raise money to support third world children's education for a year.
Wen Hui:
1)Clean up the school grounds
2)clear our utensils after meals at canteen

2)Sculpture making - using recycled materials


To comment or suggest new ideas, just click on the 'Comment' link below.

To those who have suggested the above ideas, feel free to elaborate more on the ideas or create new ones.
Please describe briefly: (Include your name! :D)

- The Purpose of this idea.
- The Value or Impact you wish to leave to the NP family.
- How the idea can be carried out.

Every idea contribution is highly valued and cherished.
So, don't wait anymore!! Start thinking how we can create value in our campus NOW!!

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